If I was a cynical Mets fan, I would say this is just a PR move to get MLB Owners to vote him the sale of the team. If I was cynical, I would say imagine the PR nightmare MLB Owners would have to deal with at that time? If I was cynical, I would say that there might be contracts that need to be renewed for the unions and this is a way to make a favorable first impression with them. But, Hey, I'm not cynical and at least the possible new ownership will help put some money in the pockets of the folks in need from that work at the stadium
From the NY POST.
Steve Cohen, because of his vast wealth and what could be done with it in procuring players, has been the people’s choice to gain control of the Mets. He also is solidifying another constituency — seasonal employees.
Cohen worked out a deal with the three unions that represent Citi Field seasonal employees such as food service workers, janitors and security guards that if he is approved to become Mets owner, he would pay each $500 a month this offseason to financially assist those who did not work a single game amid the pandemic in 2020, The Post has learned.
The deal would cover 1,140 workers over five months, so basically $2,500 per person between November and Opening Day. That is a $2.85 million commitment if Cohen’s ownership is approved.
The heads of the three unions that represent the seasonal workers — Kyle Bragg, president of SEIU Local 32BJ; Bill Granfield, president of UNITE HERE Local 100; and Richard Lanigan, business manager of OPEIU Local 153 — said in a joint statement:
“On behalf of the over 1,000 employees our unions collectively represent, we are extraordinarily grateful to Steve Cohen for this multi-million dollar commitment to help the seasonal workers of Citi Field.
“During this period of uncertainty, the food service employees, custodians, concessions staff and other vital workers are struggling to make ends meet while the stadium remains closed. There is no question that this pledge of financial assistance represents a lifeline for these hardworking families.
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