Sunday, June 19, 2022

Is this the worst hot dog at Citi Field?


This right here is the Steakhouse Ripper from The metropolitan Fry Factory. The Metropolitan Fry Factory is  the restaurant that replaced Box Frites behind the score board. I’ve been trying to try new foods while out at Citi Field and boy did I make a mistake with this one.

The Steakhouse Ripper is a deep fried hot dog with bacon crumbs, melted cheese, chives and basically a brisket chili. So it’s a fancy chili dog. This thing was super salty. The best way to explain it is if you took Shannon from’s personality and made it into a food. For a hot dog that’s supposed to be deep fried, there was no crunch to it when I hit into it. You the Snap you get when you bite into a good hot dog? Nope not there. The cheese that was like a cheese whiz type cheese just tasted of salt. Same as the bacon. I will say this though the brisket “chili” on top did taste pretty good and would be great on fries.

Speaking of fries, I tried their Plain French fries also. Very generic, some were burnt, some were under cooked, and the ones that were cooked properly were just okay.

My rating for this meal is a 1 out of 5. 

1 comment:

  1. Beyond disgusting hot dog which was not only not cooked let alone deep fried. The staff looked at me like there was something wrong with my taste in hot dogs. Returned it twice and made a stink with a supervisor so that I got a refund. They should be ashamed of themselves. I feel validated with your review.
